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Women’s Aid Organization (WAO) is nonpartisan, non-profit-making, impartial, nonreligious and independent organization that supports women, girls and community in fighting gender in equality, discrimination, superiority of one gender and all forms of exploitation in the society and promote equality at all level. WAO aims at strengthening women and girls to take parts in every community activities and contribute to the development of every society in the world.  Women and girls have been denied of education, economic development, ownership, leadership, and taking part in peace process as result they are facing all kinds of sufferings in the world. WAO is women led organization that was formed to support the vulnerable women and girls in the world to fight for equality of every persons in the world. WAO started in 2017 during the civil conflict in South Sudan as result of the suffering that women were going through, GBV became the order of the day and women and girls were facing all kinds of sexual abuses in the country.  


Our Mission

To attain gender-equality in south Sudan society, to which end we focus our efforts on promoting the social, educational, political, economic development of south Sudanese women and girl’s, including advocating for women’s girl’s rights, eliminating discrimination against women and girls including GBV, advancing women’s and girl’s capacities and leadership skills, promoting their participation in the decision making, and intensifying their voices for peace and security.


Our Vision

WAO strive to create better life and better future in which all women and girls will be viewed and treated equally as men in all aspects of life; economic, social,  civil, political, and cultural with focus to become self-sustaining and remained recognized in the society



Our Goals

To promote gender equality in south Sudan society with focus on increasing the social, educational, political, economic development of south Sudanese women and girl’s, including advocating for women’s girl’s rights, building their capacity to be self-reliance and reduce the rate of GBV.


WAO works to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals -SDGs



Around table discussion was organized by Women Aid Organization with all the stakeholders, representative from the ministry education Education, parents, teachers and students to discuss the importance of education during the lockdown period. The aim of the discussion was to find a way through which all the stakeholders can collectively work together to support student during this COVID 19 Pandemic, it was also meant help students especially girls to remain focused in order to their academic dreams. 


Engaging community leaders, youth and women groups on how to promote peace at local level.

Peace within once heart, in the community and the society is very necessary. The struggle to contain and maintain peace in South is a continues struggle that needs collective effort.

WAO continues to create platform through which it continues  to engage community leaders, youth and women groups on how to promote peace at community level to avoid intimate partner violence and all forms of violence within the community and find amicable ways of solving differences within the community.


Creating Awareness to youth/students on YALI and Alison courses and other online opportunities.

One year academic vacuum due to the lockdown as a result COVID 19 in which all learning institutions were closed has created a lot of idleness among youth in South Sudan and Western Equatoria state  Yambio in particular. The state of idleness has negatively affected the majority of students specially girls 

WAO organized an awareness session to students create awareness on YALI and ALISON on line courses as well other local and international online opportunities that provides space for continues learning


Enhancing women and girls capacity on GBV prevention and referral pathway. 

Women and girls have continue to suffer the most from all forms of GBV especial intimate partner violence in Yambio WES. WAO organized training to build and enhance the capacity of women and girls on GBV prevention and the referral pathways. The workshop was aimed at equipping women and girls with the knowledge and skills on GBV prevention and guide them on the referral in case one faces any form of  GBV where such cases can be taken in other to to seek appropriate support from different service providers.


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